Witty Profiles

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HEY wittyprofiles!
thanks for visiting my profile. but i have something really important to say to everyone!
iloveyou07 and I are doing a project called Witty record. Here's how it works:
-Keep checking my profile for updates.
-I made an account called WITTYRECORD1. If you want the password, I will start giving it out soon.
-To get the password you have to swear in and prove to me that I can trust you with the password.
-You can go on the account and add as many quotes as you want [but they ALL have to follow the rules]
-If one person ruins this, I will have to change the password and it will be ruined for everyone.
-The goal is to break the wittyprofiles record for the most quotes on one account!
-Please spread the word to all your friends.
-Leave comments on mine or Alicat8196's profile if there are any questions!
-Thank you so much
Next Quote >

HEY wittyprofiles! thanks for visiting my profile. but i have

0 faves · Feb 18, 2009 6:59pm




