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Ok, so I know this isn't a pretty quote & some of you won't read it but today I was just thinking of how much I was gonna miss 8th grade. I don't know how but I got on the subject, cancer. Let me tell ya, it sucks. Yes I know you're probably thinking 'duh?' But it really does suck. C-a-n-c-e-r,cancer. Yanno, the thing that doesn't have a cure? The thing people die from? Yes it just hit me today because I know somebody with cancer. & I'm not that close to them but I guess you can say we're close. She's my best friends gram. I saw her the other day. Seeing what she looked like made me think pretty long & hard about cancer. Now I really understand & it just bothers me. Not that people have cancer but knowing that there isn't a cure & so many people are dying. I honestly hope & pray that some day, there WILL be a cure & cancer can maybe just be a cold that will go away. Thanks to everybody reading this. It needed to get out.......
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Ok, so I know this isn't a pretty quote & some of you

1 faves · 4 comments · Apr 29, 2012 5:32pm






michelle9701 · 1 decade ago
I'm sorry :/
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KelLovesYou26 · 1 decade ago
I was actually tearing up as I read this..
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michelle9701 · 1 decade ago
Welcome & love ya too(:
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KelLovesYou26 · 1 decade ago
I love this and you, thanks <3
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