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Advice #12

Problem: I am really quite at school and I don't know why, it isn't me, but it just happens. I just moved here from another country. What is wrong with me? I also get bullied. Help?

My Answer: First of all, nothing is wrong with you. Don;t let people make you think that about yourself. About the being shy, I know it is really hard being the new girl, trying to make people like you, trying to fit in. I get it. I would just try and talk to people about basic things at first, maybe like their names and what they like to do and stuff. Then you can get deeper into the conversation after you feel more comfortable. Don't worry about what other people think. The ones who matter won't judge you. ABout the bullying, just try and ignore it, or stand up for yourself and tell them to stop. The reason they are probably doing it is to make themselves feel better about themselves. Just don't pay any attention, don't give them the time of day. They don't deserve it. Hope the helps, stay strong. 

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Advice #12 Problem: I am really quite at school and I don't

1 faves · Apr 27, 2012 3:31pm






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