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Advice #10 
(Please read the whole story, it is so adorable)

Problem: So, I've been at camp for the week. It's an adventure camp, with team building, and climbing, and stuff. To help you guys understand, I'm disabled. I can't do stuff others do every day, like run in gym, and, honestly, walking from the car to Walmart makes me exausted. So, I knew ahead of time that this camp would be hard, if not impossible.


My class was seperated into two groups: Group A, with my music/Science teacher, and Group B, with my pricipal. I was in group B with my best friend Karissa, and Connor. Those are basically the only two people that matter.

Connor and I, we're hard to explain. We joke and banter all the time, but I don't know if I'd really call us friends.

So, our fist, well, not first, but first that really matters, activity was the High Ropes course. That's where you climb either a wooden ladder-type thing, or a rope ladder tube. I chose the wooden one. It was wooden boards, going criss-cross, about a foot apart, and it went, maybe, seventy five feet up.

About half way up, I froze. I couldn't move. My group cheered me on, and then I heard him: ""Lauren, you can do this. I'ts all worth it once you get to the top." I repeated this in my head, a constant mantra. Finally, I made it to the top, and took what was called the Leap of Faith, where you jumped down. He was on my 'catch team', the group of people that lowered me to the ground. He didn't come up to me, or anything.

This will be continued...

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Advice #10 (Please read the whole story, it is so adorable)

2 faves · 1 comments · Apr 27, 2012 3:09pm






Marci345 · 1 decade ago
are you going to do mine anytime soon??
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