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Our Summer

Chapter 37

     The next morning, I almost fell out of bed in surprise when I realized Lucas was sleeping next to me. I flashed back to last night.
We’d talked for a couple hours about nothing, really. We told each other stories about our childhoods, school, just life in general. I had laid down next to him after awhile, and he had played with my hair. That was the only time we had touched all night. I some point, I had fallen asleep, and here we were.
I glanced at the clock quickly. 6:33. Thank God for Lucas’ odd sleeping patterns – I’d gotten so used to him waking me up early I did it by myself, which meant he’d have time to go and get dressed so no one would find out about last night.
I looked at Lucas. He looked so peaceful. I didn’t want to wake him up – but I had to.
“Lucas,” I said softly, shaking his shoulder lightly.
“Mmm,” he groaned and turned away from me slightly.
“Lucas,” I repeated a little louder. He opened his eyes, and he seems surprised to see me. Then he rubbed his eyes.
“Good morning,” he mumbled. Then he frowned. “Sh*t.”
“Yeah,” I agreed, knowing that he had just realized exactly what I’d realized a few moments earlier.
“I’m going to go get dressed,” he hopped up, and then turned back towards me as if he’d forgotten something. “Sleep in today,” he told me, kissed my cheek, and hurried out of the room.
I touched the place on my cheek where his lips had touched it. I was still holding it when Jamie rushed into my room a few minutes later.
“Did I just see Lucas leave your room in his pajamas?” she asked, rushing to me bed. I smiled and didn’t say anything. I knew she would ask anyways. “Spill,” she sat down cross-legged on the bed.
“He couldn’t sleep so he came down, and we talked,” I shrugged as if it were no big deal.
“That’s it? You talked?” Jamie said astonished. Most people would automatically assume more than that had happened, and that I was only saying that, but Jamie knew I would tell her if it had.
“Hurry up, girl!” she whacked me with a pillow. “You’ve barely got two weeks left!”
I laughed, but her words hit a sensitive spot. Barely two weeks – that’s all I had left to spend with Lucas. 

Hey everyone, thanks for reading. I really appreciate it! Please fave/comment with your opinions. Love you all!!

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Our Summer Chapter 37 The next morning, I almost fell out of

38 faves · 3 comments · Apr 27, 2012 11:54am



1live2love9laugh6 happy witty anniversary!



soccercow97 · 1 decade ago
this story is so good!
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katerox1 · 1 decade ago
please continue with this story I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT
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lexi1020 · 1 decade ago
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