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Advice #8

Problem: I like my ex again but he is in love with my best friend (they are not dating) We were on and off last year but don't really talk. Should I start talking to him again? I really like him. This year he asked to be friends with benefits but I said no because I didn't like him. He is a such a good boyfriend when it is for real. What should I do?

My Answer: Well, that is a tough one. He sounds like he just wanted to use you this year, and that isn't good. If I were you I would start talking to him again but leave the relationship and feelings thing out of it for a while, see what happens. I wouldn't jump right in and tell him how you feel. Be careful, and make sure you know that everything might not work out, but maybe it will. i geuss what I am saying is take a chance, but be cautios about it- and subtle. 

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Advice #8 Problem: I like my ex again but he is in love with

4 faves · 1 comments · Apr 26, 2012 8:46pm






amyvalverde5 · 1 decade ago
Thanks so much :)
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