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if i had nothinq in the world`but [ you ]
i wud still have -- everythinq ii wanted
nd as much as i hate it`'i kno itz true<3
thea`z nobody that qetz me lyk you do

and id give up forever to touch u cas
i know that you'd feel me somehow,ur
tha closest 2 h e a v e n that ill ever b
nd i dun wana go home`' rite now x3*

I've finally found someone who knocks me Off my feet-He's the only one who makes me feel complete. It started out just talking, we started out as friends..it's funny how from simple things, the best things can begin....
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if i had nothinq in the world`but [ you ] i wud still have --

1 faves · Nov 20, 2004 7:37pm






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