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It's been a month Today since we started to try things out again.
Things are going alright I guess.
I mean, there are times he decides to ignore me..
And there are other times when I feel like he makes excuses not to talk to me.
And when we do talk, he falls asleep soon after.
I feel like asking him to talk to me atleast three times a week, since he doesn't live close to me.
And when we don't talk, I told him he could text me, but he doesn't do that alot either.
I admit, I do not enjoy texting as much as others, but he is worth it.
I feel like I can't tell anyone anything anymore, because they always say...
"Just Dump Him"
Clearly, that isn't what i want.
It took me a while to get him back into my life, and I am not throwing it away that easily.
I love him. And just needed to get that out.
If you read this, Thank you for taking your time to read it <3

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It's been a month Today since we started to try things out

6 faves · 2 comments · Apr 24, 2012 1:37pm






bluecookie · 1 decade ago
Toe!?!? Awuhh <3
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skinnyminikitty · 1 decade ago
for myy friend. please it will mean the world to me.
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