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Everyone Is Beautiful♥
Every single one of you. I don't care if you love One Direction, or can't stand them. If you're following me, or don't give a crap about my quotes. If you're tall, or really short. If you're 11 years old, or 19 years old. You are amazing, unique, beautiful, and perfect as you. I want you all to know that we are sisters♥ All of us. Hate doesn't belong on witty profiles. If they want to post their One Direction quotes, let them, there are always other quotes. If they want to vent to you, let them, they just need someone to listen♥ If they make a spelling error, let them, nobody is perfect. This website is supposed to be about letting your true feelings out, and not worrying about being judged, because... no mater what anyone says...
You Are Beautiful♥

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Everyone Is Beautiful♥ Every single one of you. I don't

3 faves · Apr 22, 2012 12:03pm






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