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who got high yesterday is stupid. If you knew what happened to my brother, you'd stop. You do know it can kill you. Lets not be stupid little kids. It's time to grow up and start changing.


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---------------------------------- Anyone who got high yesterday

39 faves · 6 comments · Apr 21, 2012 8:53pm






TurtleRawr · 1 decade ago
Its only stupid if youre doing things illegally. Its perfectly fine for the people who use it for medical uses. :L
I am sorry for what happened to him.
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EveryonesBeautiful45678 · 1 decade ago
@suicideemo14 this is Witty. a place to express yourself, to vent, to talk about things you want to. people are actually very stupid for smoking , especially at such a young age. you still can get cancer. if you dont believe that then go ahead do w.e. you want, but you'll regret it. & crazygirlie that must suck :/
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CrazyGirlie · 1 decade ago
Actually something did happen to him smart one. He was caught doing & selling drugs a few months ago at school and now he's got fines coming at him, he's in military school, he could get sent to juvie instead, & he's going through bad, bad withdrawals. I don't want anyone else to have that, k? K.
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awiciaaaxD · 1 decade ago
v dont freaking tell her to delete this quote, and maybe she tried to get hre brother to stop but he wouldn't listen, and so what if shes scaring people it a good message for people to stop because it can really kill you and you wouldnt know about it. And no she shouldn't keep this to her she wants to express her self she can you dont control over what she says.
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br0kenwings · 1 decade ago
@suicideemo14 - smoking weed kills brain cells, for starters. So yeah, people who smoke weed ARE kinda stupid, or heading that way if they do it regularly.
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suicideemo14 · 1 decade ago
If this is rude, im sorry..
.. Um, I'm a girl who smoked yesterday also, but i have to say, just because people who smoked weed yesterday , does not make them stupid.. You dont know who they are / we are. So, you should delete this quote before you have a bunch of haters. everyone has differnt body types, and its your job to make your brother ok because of "yesterday " but your probably scareing people by saying something happened, keep this stuff to your self. ^ sorry if this was ofifivee ok bye ,.
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