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hey witty 
im new and ive heard that this is a place where i can vent
so here it goes.....

my name is Jamie

im 13 years old and i have cancer... you probably wont read this quote cuz it's not pretty... but i've lost all my hair and everybody at school makes fun of me.... i dont want to write to much because it might bug you but i also have asthma so it's tough for me to breath through this .... i've been told that i have 6 months to live... then away i go... ive had cancer for about 9 years so i want to live my last six months... i want to be Somebody for once in my life .... i cut myself.. and im fat... i admit that i force myself to throw up after i eat... my parents started to abuse me after my brother started doing drugs...

i dont know what to do but if you actually took the time to read this, then thank you it counts as support for me... thank you SO much please help me feel special :(
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hey witty im new and ive heard that this is a place where i

3 faves · 1 comments · Apr 21, 2012 6:58pm






nevercutyourbeautiful · 1 decade ago
You are so beautiful,and i know you can pull through. In my book you are someone.(: You can do this.Ignore the haters and bullys.Dont let them get to you. Beat cancers butt.You can do this. I beilive in you.< 3
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