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This whole 1D fight is stupid.

Obviously 1Ders aren't going to stop posting their quotes, and non-1Ders aren't going to stop venting/ hating. So what's the point in fighting? You want Witty back the way it was? Change it back instead of adding more anti-1D vents and crap. I mean, obviously nobody's going to win here, so why fill Witty with fighting? Why don't we all just apologize, and work to change Witty back. I'll gladly start.

I'm sorry.

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This whole 1D fight is stupid. Obviously 1Ders aren't going

9 faves · 1 comments · Apr 21, 2012 1:53am






vultersreject · 1 decade ago
Press F10 5 times.Take a deep breath.
2. Think of someone you like.
3. Press F10 5 times.
4. Send this to 5 comments....
5. Look at your background
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