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Okay have you ever wondered this: Am i bi-sexual?

Well here are some questions to answer so you can find out:

*If you look at a girl, what do you think? She is sexy? She is fine?

*Did you ever think of yourself kissing a girl? Would it be interesting?

*Ever say i love you to a friend thats a girl and REALLY mean it?

*Do you look at girls the way you do guys?

If you answer all these questions you'll know weather or not your bi-sexual. I answered these questions and i got a yes for me. So try it. It may be your best option to finding out more about yourself.

~Please comment. I'd love to hear what you think or even your answers(:

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Okay have you ever wondered this: Am i bi-sexual? Well here are

0 faves · 1 comments · Apr 20, 2012 1:51pm






Beautiful13 · 1 decade ago
i said yes to all of them so yup i am bi-sexual awesome i was confused
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