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One Direction fans

Hi, guys. :) This isn't a hate quote, please read. As you know some people want April 30th to be "Anti-One direction day" which I think is horrible, but if we don't log in on April 30th the traffic will go down ensuring that never again will we have something taken away from us. Detox weekend people boycotted and it was never brought back (I actually loved detox weekend..) but still, if we don't log in on April 30th then it probably won't be taken away again. Plus, do we really want to see hateful quotes like "thank God! no more ugly boys omg" so my advice, stay off witty on April 30th. Go outside if it's nice, go to the mall, go on tumblr, just stay off witty and then on May 1st we can come back, wait a while. If it's still Directioner/Anti Directioner war then I'm sorry but I'm quiting, I come on witty to escape the people from school who are like omg why do you like 1D so much. 100 people posting about how unoriginal witty is isn't helping, it's making witty even more unoriginal. Being hateful to 1D isn't helping it's just spamming witty. But Witty isn't how it used to be, people are hateful on both sides right now. Please no hate. Thanks, Emily a directioner. :) 


NMF/Taken from Mrs_ZaynMalik69_1D/ formatcredittofatassmuffin

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One Direction fans Hi, guys. :) This isn't a hate quote,

69 faves · 106 comments · Apr 20, 2012 11:18am






OneDirection2012 · 1 decade ago
I love you....♥
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liveforlove21 · 1 decade ago
Hi (: Thank You For This Quote
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Keiko · 1 decade ago
Seriously. People go on witty to stop all the bullying sh*t they go through at school, and you, its because people is all like "omg why do you like 1D so much?" Im a 1D fan and i have 1D fan-friends at school too. and i am a BIG fan, but I know how to bottle it up sometimes because i'm CONSIDERATE about people who may be annoyed by it. I have no problem about 1D quotes, i just think that people go on witty for some support, not to wake up to one direction facts. Is 1 Day really too hard to ask? Steve asked for 1 Day of no direction quotes, and if the maker of this website even asked for it, That especially means it went over board. Think about all the complains he must've got to actually AGREE with it. Honestly, its just a day. Go bomb witty with One Direction quotes on May 1st or something. WE ONLY ASKED FOR ONE DAY. Okay ? Okay . So stop freaking out.
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ThankYouMrDrewIngle · 1 decade ago
Amen. As much as I love 1D, it is for one day. When that day is over, the 1D quotes can come back.
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dubesbabe06 · 1 decade ago
Over reacting TOTALLY. Just becasue you can't post quotes about OneDirection your life is over?! Pathetic! Get a life. I can't believe Witty has come to this.
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pikachu-farts* · 1 decade ago
Guys, i think you're just completely over reacting... I mean, it's ONE DAY of not being able to post One Diretion quotes... -__- that's just like if you're laptop breaks for a day or something, so PLEASE stop complaining because seriously? It's not something to get hung up on.
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luvme516 · 1 decade ago
i dont like 1D but i agree it should all stop, like ive posted stuff about it because it how i feel but insted of stating opinions ppl are going to war!
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imaginationgirl · 1 decade ago
i agree, its getting really annoying
the haters and the trillions or 1D quotes
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pandabear33 · 1 decade ago
it is just ONE day!
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Temptress · 1 decade ago
F&#23ucking finally, a Directioner being mature about it..
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IHeartMeMyBFF3 · 1 decade ago
Let#s bring it to top quote!
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IHeartMeMyBFF3 · 1 decade ago
I agree! I love one direction but its going over! Lets do this!!!
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xNeonCookiiex · 1 decade ago
I love you. but its not our fault there are losers on here..
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PeanutTeddyBearzzz · 1 decade ago
... :/ I love One Direction, but it's not worth it. Don't put 1D quotes up for One Bloody Day. Pack of Wussy's.
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Beccah · 1 decade ago
pfft. we are having one.
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sincerelyanonymous · 1 decade ago
ok, so there are people who like all the 1D quotes, and people who don't.  the people who like the quotes get to see 8361027481 of them EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. here on witty.  and so do the people who don't like them.  so if we have to suffer every day by seeing all these 1D quotes, don't you think it's only fair that the dirrectioners just go through ONE. FRICKIN. DAY. of no 1D quotes?!?!  you'll survive!!!  if we have to suffer every day, can't you at least give us one day of no 1D quotes??  i mean seriously, one day vs every day!!!
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CassieLovesYou · 1 decade ago
Okay well first off i read this.. And if your going to quite witty because these 1D people cant post things out it then thats stupid.. And if every one was not talking about 1D then we would not have anything spamed or anything like that... I'm sorry if thats mean what i said or whatever but it is kind of stupid if u dont go one witty just because you dont get your way then there is not point to go on here anyways.
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Emibabyxo · 1 decade ago
One more comment for tonight. Please by all means post about this if you want to. Thanks! Also last song is if my life is a movie.
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Emibabyxo · 1 decade ago
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Emibabyxo · 1 decade ago
Pumped up kicks!!!! The lyrics make me cry sometimes..../: no I'm not simmering down.
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