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Guys, seriously what have we become? Theres two wars going on between us. One is for the 'directioners' and hunger games fans, and the other is for the old witty back. ill admit, i am tired of seeing so many 1D quotes. But im also tired of seeing all these complaints! When i see 1D quotes, i skip over them. When i see the complaints, i read them. But all that happens is more fighting. Yeah, I miss the old witty too. But we cant go back to that if we dont go back to the old 'Wittians'
You guys are all right. Yes, witty is a place to say whats on your mind, and for alot of you its 1D.
And yes, witty is a place for help, and comfort. A place to NOT be judged. And what are we doing? Judging others.

Please guys, please try. Try to go back to ourselves. I hate that everyones fighting over something so stupid! We used to be able to connect with anyone, now theres teams. Half is for 1D and the other for Witty.
Guys, i dont want to start anything bad. But, for all the 1D'ers, please tone it down a little?
And for everyone who wants witty back? please stop complaining.
I hate fighting. Im more of a peace maker. Im not a hypocrit (spelt that wrong) i just want everyone happy.

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Please Read Guys, seriously what have we become? Theres two wars

13 faves · 3 comments · Apr 19, 2012 7:04pm






zebrastrips2 · 1 decade ago
I totally agree with you, I LOVE one direction but i dont have any qoutes about them but people who have facts it alright but when people are just saying i love 1D it is anoyying.

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LittleOne1138 · 1 decade ago
(insert amzing and inspiration standing ovation+ slow clap) AMEN to that!
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natalieeeroseee · 1 decade ago
Jesus christ himself could not have said it better :)) AMEN
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