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I was texting my boyfriend, then i fell aslep on him.. I woke up to this.

Well, you fell asleep as usual :P might as well leave you a nice text for you to wake up to(: first off, goodnight and sweetdreams.. And second.. I know we've been dating for not to long now but it feels like we've been together for years. I'd do anything to be with you by your side right now.. Im seriously in love with you Paige<3 everytime you tell me you love me you give me the most amazing feeling ever. Im really looking forward to my future with you in it being happier then before. Hopefully we'll get married someday and the next people that'll come as close to my love for you is our children<3 I love you Paige(:

I was sure to wake up with a smile on my faceee. <3333

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I was texting my boyfriend, then i fell aslep on him.. I woke

1 faves · Apr 19, 2012 4:42pm






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