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You think she is your BEST friend when she tells all your secrets to other people. She calls you a nerd or geek or even four eyes because of your glasses. When you hear these things it makes you feel ugly. Or not wanted. Your smart and you know that. Your tall and you know that. She is not so smart and you know that. She isn't to tall and you know that. She makes fun of you because your weak. But really your stronger than that and her, Rise above it. Dont take their crap and believe it. You think their your best friend but really...their FAKE. The reason people do these things is because their jelous of what you have. Your brains, looks, styles. They want it all but wont admit it. Their rudness covers their jelousy. Dont believe what you hear. Because sometimes your friends can become back stabbers. So rise above it because your smarter than that. And they don't know it.
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You think she is your BEST friend when she tells all your secrets

3 faves · 3 comments · Apr 19, 2012 12:55pm






Beast97 · 1 decade ago
Haha very funny.
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Beautiful13 · 1 decade ago
See if only yu would believe me guess your coming to your sence
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Beast97 · 1 decade ago
Please comment.

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