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talking on the phone with a friend as the other line clicked in as i answer the person said i'm sorry but shes gone iasked what did you say they said shes gone i askw hy god why and the person said she was a lil up set when she got home from school then when she wa sin the shower she was cyring and she said it she was up set and to leave her alone well an hour ago i went up to tell her it was time for dinner but she was hanging from her ceiling and her room was full of blood it cam eout to be she slit her wrist and hung herself i am sorry to tell you that your best friend is dead....

a note to the readers:do not every slice your wrist or hang youself everyone will miss you because everyone love you just remember that..i lost a close friend how hung herself and sliced ehr wrist a lil

made by me all mine use don't abuse

xOo angela elizabeth oOx
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talking on the phone with a friend as the other line clicked

1 faves · Nov 17, 2004 6:33pm






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