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 For Selena C:
Selena’s POV.
Today was the day, I was meeting One Direction. I’ve waited for awhile for this to happen and now the time has finally come. I walk over to my full length mirror and smooth out my long brown hair; my brown eyes stand out from the rest of my features. Some people say I dress crazy but I’m absolutely comfortable in what I wear. I’ve loved One Direction ever since they were formed and I just hope I don’t make a complete fool of myself. For the past couple of hours I watched YouTube videos on how people were meeting them, they were so amazing in every single way possible.
As we drive along the highway, I kept on thinking what could go wrong I know there is a possible way to embarrass myself. As we approach the venue a whole lot of girls were surrounding the building. My Mum and I hop out of the car and start heading into the building. We showed the bodyguard our wristbands and begin to wait.
We move by slow, I could hear the sounds of screams getting louder. And there sat five flawless boys right in my view and they all had huge smiles on their faces I couldn’t help but laugh. OMG! Now it was my turn.
I hold out my cd for them to sign.
“Hi Babe” Zayn says smiling
“Hi” I think that was the only words that were coming out of my mouth, next was Harry.
“Thank you for coming”
“It’s worth it”
Next were Liam and Louis
“Hi how are you?” I ask
“Were good thanks”
Then last was Niall, he had the most beautiful blue eyes. He smiles which makes me smile, I hand him the cd and he signs it. As he hands it back he cradles both of my hands in his.
“Your Beautiful” whispers to me
I blush, and move on I could tell the other girls were jealous of what happened with me and Niall. I glance back and He hasn’t taken his eyes of me. So Yeah right now I’m smiling like an idiot.

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For Selena C: Selena’s POV. Today was the day, I was meeting

1 faves · 1 comments · Apr 16, 2012 12:21am






selena8887777 · 1 decade ago
thanks i loved it ! (:
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