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Telling someone

with depression to 'just get over it and be happy' is like telling someone with a broken leg to run to a hospital.

Telling someone

with an eating-disorder to 'just eat' is like telling someone with claustrophobia to get inside a small cupboard and lock the door.

Telling someone

who self-harms to 'just stop doing it' is like telling a drug addict to sit in a room full of drugs and touch nothing.

How can you judge what you don't understand?

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Telling someone with depression to 'just get over it and

633 faves · 3 comments · Apr 13, 2012 7:05pm






MusicIsLifexoxo · 1 decade ago
agree with prettyxprincess
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completeinhim · 1 decade ago
I love this quote, but I just have to say that eating disorders can go the other way too. Sometimes you just can't stop eating. Everyone forgets that.
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PrettyXPrincess · 1 decade ago
Eating disorder is a really hard thing to go through, no matter how much you try to eat your appetite is always small. If you need advice hmu :)
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