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who wants the perfect guy?
Not me. I don't want anyone perfect. I don't
want anyone normal; that's just boring.
I want someone weird, I want someone
unpredictable. I want someone who
will let the little things slide; who loves
to laugh and loves to make me laugh.
Someone who's crazy about me and
isn't afraid to let everyone know it.
I want him to be able to tell me when
I'm bugging him; Someone who
challenges me. Someone who
will put up with me, but isn't a
pushover. I want someone
that ticks me off, but I can never
stay mad at. But perfect?
That's one thing I'll never want.
Maybe just
perfect for me <3

rate high if this is what you'd like  " )

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who wants the perfect guy? Not me. I don't want anyone perfect.

6 faves · Feb 15, 2009 1:35pm






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