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 You're saying I left?
But how come I'm standing in the same place and you walked on by 
and guess who's struggeling more without eachother. 
I'll give you a hint.

Not me. 
Diference between you and me. I don't act strong. I am strong. I don't act hurt for pitty. I am hurt

For real reasons. 

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You're saying I left? But how come I'm standing in the

1 faves · 13 comments · Apr 9, 2012 7:20pm






ItsNotOver · 1 decade ago
Why are you commenting on this? And Amanda you honestly would notbe able to bring me down. You never talked me outta killing myself... Caleb did. I called you when I was 12 because I thought I was dying and I wanted to say bye. Ive never trusted you Amanda and I'm not trying to bring you down. It isnt worth it. You are annoying me thats why I said that because this had nothing to do with you... AT ALL. Two months ago you didn't just deal with me? You begged me to hangout with you. So Amanda, stop bothering talking to me, looking at me, or even going near me. Feel free to block me on this to. Next time I'd appreciate it if you dont post that I'm suicidal. Thanks. Bye.
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_heartbroken_ · 1 decade ago
uhh not to butt in again or anything, but she only makes friends on witty cause everyone in gilford is a . like you. and you're also saying she has no firiends in general.. "dont know if you've noticed but how many friends did you have at the beginning of the year? Who do you have now? Jerek." oh? well i mean i guess my name is jerek now.. weird. i don't remember changing it.
and lololol she's obnoxious? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THEN?! and it's still funny how you said i don't know her in person.. that honestly really made me laugh out loud. and maybe her trying out for modeling will help her gain confidence. EVER THOUGHT ABOUT THAT ONE? no? than don't say it.
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Im_Not_Who_I_Pretend_To_Be · 1 decade ago
I could go out of my way to bring you down.. But im above that. I talked you out of killing yourself twice. Overlook that if youd like. I dont care. I dont lik you, and i didnt like you 2months ago. I dealt with you. So you can say what you want. You can insult mee& try to put me down, but im done letting you. So have a great life Amanda. Goodluck with the not smoking thing. And maybe you should listen to Caleb, and do whats best for you. I tried to be there for you sorry i wasnt good enough.
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ItsNotOver · 1 decade ago
&You obviously commented to start . I don't waste my time thinking about you. I wouldn't waste time typing a quote for you to see. I'd say it to your face. Soooo buh- bye.<3 Biiitch.
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ItsNotOver · 1 decade ago
Amanda, what did I ever say or do to you that was bringing you down ? Ever? Other then joking around. You're so wrong and you know it. I never used you for help so shut the fuuuuck up. You're so hilarious. Like I would go to you with my real problems. Ever? No. Now stop your bickering. By telling the school I was being there for you. No not because I thought you would hurt yourself over me, because I wanted you to stop in general. You're so obnoxious and by calling someone you're fighting with "love" IS NOT COOL. YOU'RE NOT COOL. You make friends on witty facebook because they don't know the real you and you have a chance to over exaggerate about your problems, like how ugly you think you are? You seriously have the balls to try a modeling thing if you think you're ugly... I would never. Life isnt as bad as you think it is. Your parents spoil you. When your mom goes out of her way for you, you'd call her a if you didnt get what you simply wanted. So please just stop. I don't like you what so ever Amanda. You're sooooo fuccccking annoying.
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Im_Not_Who_I_Pretend_To_Be · 1 decade ago
You did worse to me. Constantly putting me down. I have more than Jerek hunny. I only calleed you a 'lady of the night' when i was joking around. I told you the truth when you asked how your hair looked, if it looked bad. I barely treated you bad Amanda. You tore me down every chance you got. Its good to know that you just used me for support. and to get better, i probably should have known that the first time you canceled plans or ditched me for your new friends. All that 'i care' bullshit, i knw you were lying. Im not stupid Amanda. So stop this whole 'im there for you act' we both know you dont mean it, and you never did. &youre right.. you did lose me longeer than two months ago.. When i lost Trevor, i cancelled out the world. So you can stop saying i want attention, because we both know i do. So you cn stop insulting mee. Thanks love.
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ItsNotOver · 1 decade ago
And Amanda, notice I did better once I had Caleb. Yeah, once I had him I did leave you. Because to me you're worthless. You made me feel like about what I ate what I wore. You'd tell me I look like a or my hair looked like . You treated me just as bad if not worth. I dont need you Amanda. I've been getting better without you longer then you even knew. I lost you way longer then two months ago. If being catty and immature makes you feel good about yourself, have fun. I dont know if you've noticed but how many friends did you have at the beginning of the year? Who do you have now? Jerek. Stop saying how much of a "cutter" you are. They're cat scratches. and yes amanda YOU ARE A BIG BAD SMOKER (smoked five times) I came on here to vent about my douche bag father. Not some hopeless so get lost.
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Im_Not_Who_I_Pretend_To_Be · 1 decade ago
Haha yeah im sure it is. You used me&Threw me away.. You did this. You're the one that changed. I just got stronger without you. And yep im sure you never needed me. Those times i stopped you from killing yourself? Those times that i stayed up with you. Those weekends that i let you stay with me. Im sure you didnt need me Amanda. WIthout me, youd be dead. We both know it. So stop. Honestly, you're being stupid Amanda. And Kelsey knows me in person, lol are you stupid.. or?
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_heartbroken_ · 1 decade ago
i do know her in person..?
and how is this about your father? 'acting' strong. 'acting' hurt
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ItsNotOver · 1 decade ago
Bahahah. You're both dumb . This is about my father. And is that what she's telling you? I left her? Im ignoring her? She stopped talking to me. She blocked me. She's ignoring me. i TOLD HER I WOULD ALWAYS BE THERE FOR HER. I couldn't be her friend because she had changed and it had killed me. You don't even know her in person? You guys are seriously pathetic and make me laugh. You can try and bring me down but guess what. You fail just like all the other on this earth. Peace Amanda. :* Never needed you.

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Im_Not_Who_I_Pretend_To_Be · 1 decade ago
OH&& its cute how you only went on here and typed this because you knew i'd read it. Thats a bit low. And you going to the school claiming id hurt myself? LOL nice one, that was quite cute i suppose. You were right today when you said we were nothing alike? Yeah. Because when i befriend people, i take them into my life, and try to help them. Not use them to get better than throw them away. Keep living in your little fantasy world Amanda, im fine without you. Im more confident without you insulting me. I actually feel alright with myself for once. Funny how the two months we'v been growing apart.. Are the two months in a long time where i actually feel alright with myself. You left. Stop trying to make yourself feel better by saying that i did. BECAUSE I DIDNT. You left as soon as you got Caleb. You.Left.Me. Whether you chose to see it differently or not thats the truth. So get over yourself, and stop thinking your so much better, for two seconds. And take a hard look at me, im not who i was. I may have lost myself, but in that.. I found a confident girl.. I didnt know i had in me.. Until you left. So it'd be nice if you'd walk out of my life, and stay out. Thanks. xoxox
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_heartbroken_ · 1 decade ago
You're saying she left?
But how come she's standing in the same place and you're off ignoring her and with your new 'best friends'
and guess who's struggling more without eachother.
i'll give you a hint
it's not her
difference between you and her. She's getting stronger and stronger as the minutes go by. she doesn't act hurt for pitty, she's depressed. she doesn't have to act anything.

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Im_Not_Who_I_Pretend_To_Be · 1 decade ago
Actually.. Im doing just find without you. xoxox
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