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The Website
Chapter 8 (Bekah)
Jennifer's POV:

I stormed up into my room. I just needed to think. I can't believe he was trying to Help me! There was so much more that I just needed to know. But i just couldn't bear to ask more. I layed across my bed, and just thought. I got a little tired while drifting off, and wound up having my eyes feel heavier than ever. I slowly fell to unconsiousness, also known as sleep. I was so tired, I needed to rest, just for a little while. My eyes shut nearly immediantly and I fell into deep slumber. Then, i ended up on a beach. Where was I?
             I saw my parents. Then on the other side I saw the boy..Ryan i think his name was..Then infront of me was the hotel that i was forced to go at. I pushed myself to get the image of the hotel out of my thoughts.. Then Ryan and my parents appeared closer. "What do You guys want?" I asked, anger deep in my voice. "We wanted to apologize, and have you come back home.. After all these years, our guilt was silently killing us. We needed you back. We're sorry sweetie." They both said similtanuously. I knew it was a dream after that had happened. A tear started to form in my eye. "Why would you give me up in the first place!? Wasn't I good enough for you?! Wasn't I a good enough daughter for you guys?! What did I do wrong?!" I shouted, pain stinging my heart. "We weren't thinking right, Honey. Calm down..We were just young adults. We didn't know how to take care of a child. We couldn't pay to feed you, or keep you healthy. We only wanted the best for you." they said. "DON'T LIE! We were doing absolutely FINE! I wasn't a CHILD. i was 13 years old! I do NOT consider that a child! I was a teenager. I had a job, I was trying to HELP. but i guess that wasn't good enough for you." I screamed, salty tears spilling down my cheeks. "Please honey..let us make it up to you..please..just come home." they said. "No. I'm staying with Ryan. At least HE won't abandoned me." I said taking place next to Ryan. He looked down at me, and his eyes seemed to sparkle. "He will treat me better than you guys ever did." I choked out. Pain overflowed in me.
Suddenly, i woke up at around 1:30. Tears spilling down my face, my pillow case soaked. I must of been crying hard, and loudly cause Ryan was in the doorway.."Are you alright?" he asked wearily. yes.no.maybe.i'll be fine; these answers were pouring through me. "Yes. I'll be fine. Go back to bed. Thank you." I said slowly. Then after awhile, i slowly drifted back into a dreamless sleep.
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The Website Chapter 8 (Bekah) Jennifer's POV: I stormed up

1 faves · Apr 6, 2012 2:12am






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