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The Website
chapter 7 (Bekah)
Ryan's POV:

            I slowly sipped some root beer and watched baseball. I ate about two slices before a heard soft footsteps walking down the stairs. I turned my head to look at her. "Hello." I said trying to sound sincere. She eyed me cautiously. "Do you need anything?" I asked kindly. "..Um.. I was just thirsty." she said in a hushed tone. "Here, let me show you where the drinks are." I said, rising from my seat. She didn't have her high heels on, so i was a good inch or two taller than her. She has a slim figure, pale skin, long light blonde hair, and these beautiful baby blue eyes. She was absolutely stunning.
                  I brought her to the refrigeirator. I could feel her stare as i opened the door. "Here..you can choose whatever you'd like." I said. She looked at me.. I could tell something was bothering her, and she wanted to know answers. I sighed lightly. "Could you sit for a second?" I asked softly. She eyed me suspiciously, but took a seat anyways. "What do you wanna know?" I asked.."I'll tell you anything you'd like to know. Just ask away." I said looking at her. "Well...why am I here?!" she asked, slight anger in her tone. "Well. I bought you. But for a reason inperticularly.." I said slowly. "Why." she demanded. "Freedom." I said looking her in the eye. "What do you mean Freedom?" she said, disgust coating her words. "To save you. I'm trying to save all those girls. Who would want to be put in the wrong hands? I have to save them all...." I said trailing off, deep in thought. "Wait..your helping me?" Jennifer asked. "Yes. I'm trying to at least. I am going to give you freedom. But first, I need to buy the rest of the girls. You are welcome to stay here for as long as you'd like until you find a job or get your own home." I said. "R-really?" she said, a little uneasy. "Yes. I am determined to save each and every one of those girls. I know what they do to you guys there." I said with disgust and pity.. She just stared at me momentarily until she got up, walked to the fridge, grabbed a drink, and walked out.

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The Website chapter 7 (Bekah) Ryan's POV: I slowly sipped

3 faves · Apr 6, 2012 1:49am






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