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The Website
Chapter 5 (Bekah)
Ryan's POV:

I took out my cellphone, and ordered a medium plain pizza. It came about 20 minutes later, and I took a slice out. I set the slice on a plate, then walked up the stairs slowly. When i came to her door, I turned the knob lightly. She seemed startled when i walked in. "Oh sorry. I should have knocked.."I said apologetically. She opened her mouth to speak,but quickly closed it. I handed her the plate of pizza and she took it without a word. As i turned around to leave, i heard a small voice say "Thank you..". I turned around and gave her a half-smile. "If you want more, you can either call me, or just come downstairs and get some. Oh, and if you need a drink." I said.Then i turned to leave without another word.

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The Website Chapter 5 (Bekah) Ryan's POV: I took out my cellphone,

2 faves · Apr 6, 2012 12:24am






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