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The Website
Chapter 4 (Taylor)
Jennifer's POV


I walked into my new home, holding my breath. My heart was pounding. The boy walked next to me and grabbed my bags. He carried them for me. I wanted to protest, but the words got caught in my throat. He walked towards a door and then he announced "Your room." I opened up the door. It had plain white walls, a bed with a light blue bed spread. There was also a dresser. He set down my bags, looked at me, then walked away. I quietly closed the door and let out all the breath I was holding. Wanting to distract myself from bad thought of what this guy might do to me, I started to unpack. Once I finished I glanced at the digital clock on my dresser. It read 7:30 and my stomach grumbled. To afraid to speak up though I just sat myself onto the bed. I chewed my lower lip, which was a habit of mine, and was trying to think of what I did to deserve to be given away and then sold. I did not want to be owned by another person. I did NOT want to be someones PROPERTY.

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The Website Chapter 4 (Taylor) Jennifer's POV I walked into

2 faves · Apr 5, 2012 9:51pm






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