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The Right One
Chapter 12

"Sam. Sam! Are you okay?" I blinked open my eyes, having just awoken from "fainting", and sat up.
"I..I think," I said, trying to sound faint and helpless. "But I must have had a bad fall, although I can't really remember. But I think Sophia had something to do with it."
Sophia looked up from picking at her black fingernails and smirked.
"You can't blame everything on me, you know," she said. "Just because you were clumsy again."
"No, she really pushed me!" I cried out angrily. "She shoved me out of the way and I fell!" Mike look suspicious.
"Sophie, is that true? Why would you do that!" He said. Good, I thought. He sounds angry.
"Ive got some bandages in my Jeep," he said. "I'll bring Sam up there to support her shoulder." Suddenly, he picked me up and held me in his arms, carrying me to his truck. As I stared into his ward chocolate-colored eyes, I realized something. I really may want him after all. Stop it, I thought. But as he pulled open the door to his Jeep, he set me down on the dark blue seat, he jumped on the driver's side and grabbed my shoulder.
"Mike what-" He cut my sentence short by pressing his warm lips against mine, wrapping his arms around me and holding me tight. I couldn't belive that this was happening again. For the second time, I was betraying Dan, Sophia and even Liz. Finally, we pulled apart, Mike and I gasping for breath.
"Mike, I have something to tell you," I said. "I have a boyfriend back home, and you have Sophia, so..." my voice trailed off.
"I know, but Sophia was never that sexy. She never...affected me in the way you did. Sam, you're just so sweet and funny, and then you have a wild, sexy side. It's really cool, and Sophia just...doesn't cut it. I'm sorry if you don't want to be with me, but I think we would be awesome together." I was amazed at how much he had said. Dan, Liz and nobody else had ever complimented me in that way. It felt...great actually.
"I...I-" but for the second time that night, my voice was cut off.
"Mike, what the fu*k is wrong with you?" I heard a shrill voice cry out. I turned around and was face to face with Sophia.
"I knew it! I knew there was something going on with you two! Always hugging and hanging out without me. What the hell?"
"Sophia, you have to listen-" Mike tried.
"No!" she said, wiping angry tears off her face. "You're pathetic, Mike. Just leave me the hell alone." She stormed off away from the Jeep, muttering about stupid love and random stuff  I couldn't understand. Mike and Iooked at each other, feeling dirty and guilty.
"Well, I should probably leave."
"Yeah." Silently, I stepped out of the Jeep and started to walk home through the silvery moonlight.

Please give feedback, it means so much!! I know I  like no one follows this story, but PLEASE COMMENT!! even if you don't like it it really means alot!
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The Right One Chapter 12 "Sam. Sam! Are you okay?"

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