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Month 1: Mommy I am only 4 inches long! its so warm in here.
Month 2: Mommy I love your voice. It is so sweet and lovable.
Month 3: Mommy I found out I am a boy aren't you glad!!!!
Month 4: Mommy I just learned how to suck my thumb! I get a lot of exercise because I can move my head.
Month 5: Mommy are you crying? It makes me cry to see you very sad even though you can't see me.
Month 6: Mommy that doctor lied to you I am real! I don't like that doctor at all.
Month 7: Mommy I hear that doctor again! What's abortion? Owwww!!!!!!!! Mommy I feel a needle it's burning Mommy!!!!!!!! Help me I cant get a way from it!!!
Mommy its ok I am in the hands of GOD now and he explained to me what abortion is. How could you do this to me? Didn't you want me Mommy?
*Stop Abortion*

this made me cry!!!!

^ not mine just super sad
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Month 1: Mommy I am only 4 inches long! its so warm in here.

6 faves · 4 comments · Feb 13, 2009 5:34pm






xojawadxo17 · 1 decade ago
kool then iguess dont wory about it then
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xoayaxo11 · 1 decade ago
lmfao idc**

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xoayaxo11 · 1 decade ago
lmao idk

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xojawadxo17 · 1 decade ago
THat is the longest quptes in the hole world but its cute. Ay but maybe you should chnage the color of it. Lmao
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