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A Poem I wrote, I hope if this problem ever crosses you, you think of this<3 ;

She sat there, her eyes pink and bloated. A dry hand held her bitter, close to lifeless heart. A knife sat infront of her, as did her passport to Hevean. A dog barked, a bird chriped, and the wind blew a crisp sent of apples into the flat, stale air. The girl's eyes dripped a drop of thick liquid, and it cascaded its way down her cheek and on her chin, splattering onto her pale thieghs. A new text, a new stab in the back. As predicted the knife was lifted up to her clamy wrists. Her mind raced, white was a thin sliver of pain in her eyes. Then a tree fell outside the window. The splintering crack made her look. She got up and walked to the now broken window. knife still in hand. With her left hand she reached out and felt along the smooth edges of the tree's new leaves. They were new. So much to learn, and time to grow, to litterally see the world. But now just gone, because the harsh wind, took it down, and the tree let it. The girl grew up to be a doctor, learning so much about this simple tree that had fallen in her yard all those years ago....

Next time you pick up that knife or weapon, think of the tree, and its layers of unrevealed talents, that could be you .
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A Poem I wrote, I hope if this problem ever crosses you, you

5 faves · 2 comments · Apr 2, 2012 5:50pm






xohailz · 1 decade ago
thaanks SO muchh.(:
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LinaBina · 1 decade ago
This is amazing.

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