Witty Profiles

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Format by XxprettxMy Life,  Your  Life- See  the  Difference 
 Chapter 1

The scenery was beautiful; there were twisted, black trees silouhetted against the navy dusk sky. I held my hand up to the light breeze, the english air twisting around my outstretched fingers and sending tiny shivers of cool down my arm.
"Wow," I smiled. And i truly meant it- this was my new home at Violet Boarding School.
I hadnt been pleased by the fact that my mom and dad thought sending me away would make things easier, even though the divorce still affected me whether i was in Enlgland or back in Zimbabwe, but atleast i'd be living in a beautiful building.
"Ebony Longhurst?" Someone asked from behind, i whipped around and saw a girl, around my age, stood holding a folder, "Hi, I'm Scarlette, your buddy until you get used to the school,"
Her black hair framed her face, glossy curls bouncing everytime she spoke, her blue eyes looked grey in the dusky sunlight and I could see faint freckles dotted around her cheeks.
She picked up one of my bags and we walked up the stairs to the huge red-brick building, there were two huge oak doors that led into the main foyer.
"Well, this is where we meet in the morning before we all go into the food hall, which is over there," She said, pointing to another oak door, framed by a string of four-leaved clover signs, "And those three doors are the main classrooms where the bigger classes are taught,"
I simply nodded even though i wasnt paying attention; the foyer was huge, and a double staircase was to my left, doors lining the top balcony. There was a huge tapestry hanging to my far right, next to a wall book case, we were walking on a thick, red carpet but the stairs showed their deep brown wood.
"I'll take you to the bedrooms, we can talk about the classes tomorrow,"
We walked up the stairs and stopped by the ten doors. These were the dorms?
"Well, the other dorms are in the other buildings but you'll be with me, this is our room," She said as we opened the first door, "And you'll be sleeping over there, next to Amy,"
There were four beds, mine was tucked in the corner with plain white covers. Scarlette  gave me a smile before setting my suitcase down.
"I'll leave you to unpack,"

Format credit: BeautyAndPearlStories

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Format by XxprettxMy Life, Your Life- See the Difference ♥

0 faves · Apr 2, 2012 8:31am




