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I Can't Help It .♥

Chapter One

I stood up, flicking my hair over my shoulder as i walked down the road and turned into the school gates. I stopped and looked at the grey building, it was stood up high against the grey sky that was pouring rain down into the world below it.
I looked over my shoulder, running my hand through my wet hair, before running up to the doors. I burst through them, the wter running down my face and making it seem like i was crying.
"There's been a murder!" I screamed as i burst into the first classroom I saw. It was Mr.Lewis's math and he was stood by the whiteboard, his pen in hand.
At first his eyes stayed on the board, his messy writing squiggled up and down the white surface, and then he turned to me. His grey eyes flew open with shock and he let the blue pen fall to the shiny floor,.
"What?" he asked.
I felt a warm tear run down my blotched cheek, it was all part of the act but i had a tiny blossom of raw emotion sting me.
"I found him stood there; and then he fell...,"
That was lie number one: he didnt just fall, there'd been  knife sticking out of his back.
"What?" Mr Lewis asked again, following me out to the road outside the school. a train of other students followed, expecting this to be a joke.
It wasnt.
I knew it wasnt, because i'd seen the body.
I'd stabbed him dead, and now he was lying lifeless on the ground. I felt proud.
Nobody would mess with me now.
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I Can't Help It .♥ Chapter One I stood up, flicking

1 faves · Apr 1, 2012 10:18am






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