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Witty Girls, a witty boy needs your help
there is this girl that i have liked for about 1 year now. She kind of knows i like her and im not sure if she likes me back. anyways, we always flirt and play this kind of question game where i ask her a question and she answers but has to end in a question. This has been great but i feel like i should ask her some more personal questions without sounding stalkerish. All help is appreciated.

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Witty Girls, a witty boy needs your help there is this girl that

1 faves · 1 comments · Apr 1, 2012 1:34am






WhenWordsFail · 1 decade ago
If she didn't like you back and she knows you like her she wouldn't flirt with you, she'd just put you straight... unless she doesn't give a flying fxck about your feelings. but from the sound of it she does, so she probably likes you back:) Make sure she knows you like her otherwise you'll never know if she likes you back. & yeah it'll suck for you if she doesn't like you back but atleast then you'll know right? You could try asking her more personal questions just don't get too personal and pay attention to her tone of voice, a slight change in tone could mean she's not comfortable so be careful:) us girls are confusing i'll admit that but we're not as confusing as guys say we are, we just expect attention to be paid. Good luck!:D i hope it all works out for you, let me know if you ever need someone to talk to or whatever:)
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