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Love Needs Chemistry
Chapter 26
At the end of the day, I walked to my locker to grab my homework and swim bag. Practice was cancelled, so I was going to get a ride home with Danny. Who probably hated me for verbally attacking his girlfriend today. Oh well. While I was at my locker, I heard footsteps come up behind me. I turned around and came face to face with Luke. 
"Luke, what do you want?" I asked, annoyed by his presence. 
"Just being friendly." he said. 
"Yeah, well the bet's over, so you don't have to be friendly anymore." I told him, with anger in my voice. I slammed my locker shut and started to walk off towards the parking lot. I knew Luke was following me, and I really didn't want to be around him right now, so I decided to take care of this problem. 
"Luke, can you please just leave me alone? I didn't do anything to you, so why should you be bothering me?" I asked. He didn't answer, and I decided that was my cue to leave. I walked off in silence, thankful for the peace that surrounded me. I needed some peace after everything that happened to me today. When I saw Danny leaning against his car, he didn't look very pleased. I felt the need to explain and defend myself, and that's what I did. 
"Look Danny, before you blame me for everything, let me just explain." I said. 
"No." was all he said. He wrapped his arms around me and surrounded me in a tight embrace. When I looked back up at him, I asked him if everything was okay. 
"I broke up with her. You're right. I can do much better." he told me. 
"I'm happy for you. To be honest, she was bringing you down." I admitted. I hopped in his car and he drove me to my house. I got out of the car, and noticed my father's car in the driveway. 
"That's weird..." I said. I told Danny I would talk to him later and I walked into the house to the sound of my parents and Stephanie talking. That was a pleasant suprise. When I walked into the room, they turned and greeted me. 
"Brooke sweetie, Stephanie is here to take you to get your bridesmaid's dress fitted." said my mother, seeming okay with the idea. 
"You don't mind mom?" I asked. 
"Of course not. You two go and have some fun." she said, and gave me a hug goodbye. My father left before us, and Stephanie and I drove off to the bridal store. Since she was wearing a white dress with a pale pink ribbon, she wanted all of the bridesmaid's dresses to be pale pink. I found a cute dress that Stephanie adored. It was a short, tight pale pink dress with a pearl waistband. I let Stephanie choose the shoes, and she chose a pair of delicate white heels with a beautiful flower design on the back of them. I paired that with a diamond bracelet and thought maybe I could wear my pearls with it. Once I had the outfit all picked out, we paid and she drove me back to my house. 
"Thanks for everything tonight. I had a great time. I'm excited for the wedding on Saturday." I said truthfully. 
I walked into my house to the sound of my brothers snoring on the couch while watching a Paul Rudd movie. I had forgotten it was family movie night, but it doesn't look like any of them really missed me. I walked up to my bed for some much needed sleep, when I suddenly got an alert from my phone. I didn't set an alarm, so it must have been a text message. I looked at the screen and it read one new text message from Jake. 
Jake: I really messed up our relationship, and I know that. But Brooke, I love you. I need to be with you. And I know that you probably can't stand me right now, and that's okay. But I need you in my life. So in time if we could talk, let me know. 
Gosh, this boy was really playing with my heart. Being the fool that I am, I was going to let him. 
hey guys! they should totes get together, no? give me opinions! Brooke's outfit below:

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Love Needs Chemistry Chapter 26 At the end of the day, I walked

9 faves · Apr 1, 2012 12:11am






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