Witty Profiles

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My Flaws:
1) I put hotsauce on everything
2) I hate spoons
3)Cemis/Icecream trucks scare me
3)My teeth
4) Im either to skinny, Or never skinny enough
5)I cant spell
6)I cant sing
7)My famaily is broken
8)I make babydinosaur noises
9)Im stuborn
10)I sneeze, alot!
11)I have scars
12)I text back quickly
13) My feet/ hands are really small
14)I act confident, Im not
15) Ill either fall for you hard, Or break your heart
16)I say darling or boo too much
17) I abuse smiley faces :)
18) I cant tell my emotions apart anymore
19)I love one direction to much
20) I dont want to be treated like a 'princess' or whatever.
21)Im smart, I act stupid
22) I can be rude
23)I change my mind alot
24) I wish my eyes were blue
25) I take really long showers
26) I wish it rained all the time
27) One day ill be in a skirt, the next ill look Scene
28) I refuse to follow the crowd
29) I cant stand my friends
30) I can talk alot
31) I convince myself to go for the same person, when I know 
nothing has changed.
32)I use alot of lipgloss
33)I spend money on pointlless stuff, then lose it.
34) I can eat like a pig, Or I can starve myself without even
35)I fight with my mom alot
36) Im scared of comitment
37)When im upset, I blast my music
38) I cry.
39) I have  a sucky memory.
40) I get distracted easily.
41) Im too short
42) I judge harshly
43) I miss my brother
44) I replace everyone evenually
45)  I speak my mind
46) I take to many pictures then delete them all because
I dont think im pretty enough.
47) I let stupid things make me  mad.
48)  I compare myself to everyone
49) I have high expectations
50) Im awkward.


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------------------------ My Flaws: 1) I put hotsauce on everything

2 faves · 3 comments · Mar 30, 2012 1:23am






NikkiBeKillin · 1 decade ago
Those aren't flaws, you're just listing the reasons why I should love you more.
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Popstar949 · 1 decade ago
Well I dont think you're awkward and I like correcting your spelling. I dig the dinosaur noises.
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Portia12314 · 1 decade ago
Just love yourself for who you are dont doubt yourself <3
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