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This is just GREAT
We were supposed to be best friends forever
I don't wanna loose you too
I know why you're mad at me
I was jealous of her and I can't help if I don't have as much time as i'm supposed to
If you were really my friend you would be supportive
I'm mad at you but yet I can't be
I hope this passes
you can't just throw away all of our memories
my family is yours and yours is mine
my house is yours and yours is mine
 i always had that one solid best friend
you're gone and there's nothing i can do about it
I wish you were willing to talk about it
I thank you that you're not trying to ruin my life
you don't need to try 
i told you, i don't know how to live without you
i've never tried and i don't wanna start
i won't say goodbye
i refuse
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This is just GREAT We were supposed to be best friends forever

1 faves · Mar 30, 2012 1:08am






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