Witty Profiles

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                        All Your Life.
Chapter 1. Comment what you think.
Julia was staring out her window on a Tuesday afternoon. She was supposed to be getting ready for her soccer tryouts, but her heart wasn't in it. Something was wrong and she knew it. She had been playing soccer all her life and these tryouts meant everything to her. She went downstairs and her mother had just hung up the phone and she looked ditressed. "What's wrong, mom?" Julia asked worring. "It's nothing baby just go upstairs I will be up there in a minute." Confuse Julia walked upstairs. Was this it was this why she wasn't feeling complete today. Inturrupting her thoughts was a knock on her bedroom door. "Come in." She said. As Julia's mom walked in she knew something was wrong. "Julz, something happened the phone call I just got was a call from your dad's work. He got laid off. And now we can't pay for you to play soccer, I'm so sorry baby." "Mom, you shouldn't be worring about me, what about the family what will happen to us?" Julia asked. "We'll just have to figure it out, hun. But right now I want to make sure that you are okay." "Mom I am fine. I wasn't feeling into it anyway, I think I knew something bad was going to happen." "Well, Julia if you want we can bring you to a medium or something to see if someone on the other side has been trying to get in tough with you." "Why would you think that mom? " "Well, honey I don't really know how to tell you this but your grandfather has been able to contact people that have passed away so maybe you have tat trait too. Do you remeber when you were younger and you would say that you could see a lady in a pink dress?" "Yeah, but I just thought that that was an imaginary friend...?" Julia said worried. "Well, your great-grandmother was burried in a pink dress so maybe that was her." Julia started to cry all her life she had felt different from everyone else and could this be it and answer to alot of her questions.

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All Your Life. Chapter 1. Comment what you think.Julia was staring

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