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Imagine One Direction #27
You're going to meet Niall's parents for the first time and you notice that you're not the only one that's nervous, but Niall is too. Maurra opens the door and lets two of you in. Niall walks to the living room. You want to follow him, but Maurra's hand on your shoulder makes you stop. You turn around and she's smiling at you. "I'm so happy to finally meet you." she says. "You're the one that makes Niall happy, the light of his life and if you only knew how perfect he wanted everything to be for today. You must be the special girl for my special boy."


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Imagine One Direction #27 You're going to meet Niall's

100 faves · 1 comments · Mar 28, 2012 5:27pm






AwittyGirrl · 1 decade ago
Id die.
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