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Blood Avenue,
where kills are increased.

Chapter 1 Part 1
Strangers's POV

   I slipped the key under the doormat and sighed. Turning around, Kaylee grabbed me by the arm.
"What the hell are you doing?"  she asked, almost crying.
" Dude, I need to get out of the house," I screamed back, pulling my arm away. As I grabbed my coat Kaylee picked up hers and took my hand.
"I'm going with you." We walked to dad's truck and pulled out the gun. Kaylee blew it, and I pulled some hair off of it.
" No one can have any DNA."
" Or clues, for a matter."
" Right." I closed the trunk and we climbed into the seat, leaving.
" Where?"
"Just come on."
 I stopped at Berringten Avenue. Soon it would be Blood Avenue. We pulled down a street and looked at a girl in pink shorts and a red top.
"Good eye," snickered Kaylee.

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Blood Avenue, where kills are increased.Chapter 1 Part 1Strangers's

0 faves · Mar 27, 2012 3:58pm




