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I love being in your arms. I love the sound of your heartbeat, the sound of every breath you take. I love hearing you hum, sing, or even talk. I love watching you play games on your phone, or even just looking at your face while you watch t.v. I love laying on your chest, wrapping my arms around you. I love your long eyelashes and your bushy eyebrows. I love your nubby, almost nonexistent fingernails. I love your thick, soft hair. I love every freckle on your face. I love how even just after shaving, you have at least a little bit of stubble, in little patches. I love your style, and how you’re good at picking out girl clothes too. I love your smooth skin, I love the feeling of our legs, arms, stomachs, or faces touching. I love how you’re mature, but at the same time you can be such a little kid. I love your chuckle. I love how smart you are and how you’re so funny and clever with no effort. I love how some things you say just make absolutely no sense. I love how I’ve only been truly mad at you once, because I really just can’t get mad at you. I love your deep brown eyes that turn greenish in the sun. I love how you’re an amazing musician, athlete, and cuddler. I love how you’re basically my track coach, nutritionist, and diary all in one. I love that I trust you. I love that I know we’re going to be together for a really, really, really long time. I love that we were best friends before we were dating, and that we still are best friends. I love you.

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I love being in your arms. I love the sound of your heartbeat,

3 faves · Mar 25, 2012 5:59pm






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