Witty Profiles

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You sit in your room, hating your life, wishing you could die.
You take out the blade, and make another cut into your body.
You think nobody understands, and nobody ever will.
You think nobody cares about you, you're just a worthless space in life.
You think your life if horrible, and you want to commit suicide. Right?
Imagine if you did.
Imagine you mother or father walking in the room, and seeing you lying there
unconcious. Your precious heart has stopped beating.
Your pulse has disapeared.
Your parents hold you into their arms, with tears rolling down their cheeks.
They get a pain in their stomach,
They thought this was their fault.
They automatically feel sorry for always working, and never being with you.
They feel sorry for when they were too busy to look at your school projects.
They start histerically crying.
Your sister(s), and/or brother(s) hear your parents crying.
He/she comes into the room, concerned.
They look at you in their parents arms, and burst out into tears.
He/she runs away, and goes into his/her room and hids under the covers.
Your parents scream to him/her, but they don't want to leave you.
They call 911, hoping they can save you,
but once you get the hospital, they tell your family there is no hope.
The word gets around that you died.
Your best friend(s) don't go to school anymore,
they are too busy at your gravestone all day crying.
The boy who secretly loved you cries himself to sleep.
The bully gets an awful pain in his chest, knowing he caused this.
Your parents don't speak much anymore.
Your brother(s) and/or sister(s) who used to always be so happy,
went into depression and never comes out of their rooms.
Everyone feels so guilty.
Your teachers feel sorry for giving you so much homework.
Your brother(s)/sister(s) feel sorry for stealing your stuff.
Your friends feel horrible for causing all those fights.
Your enemies feel bad for hating you all the time.
Your ex feels sorry for breaking up with you,
and making you feel like the break up was your fault.
Your pet wonders why nobody plays with him/her anymore.
School is so quiet once you left.
Everybody knows that this school was just h*ll for you.
The principal feels sorry for not stopping the bullies,
the principal feels like if he stopped it, you would still be here.
The bullies are silent now.
They are choking on their regret every single day since you left.
Sometimes, your friends and family close their eyes,
imagining you still there with them,
but they know it's impossible.
Nobody speaks, and the world is silent from your death.
Imagine all that happening.
Do you still want to commit suicide now?
Do you still want to make those forever-lasting scars on your body?
I love you, everybody loves you.
Please, always remember,
you're beautiful.
Next Quote >

You sit in your room, hating your life, wishing you could die.

233 faves · 41 comments · Mar 25, 2012 1:37pm






rachel6931 · 1 decade ago
@bballgirly5001 thanks emma !(:
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rachel6931 · 1 decade ago
@mattyroselain your welcomee:3 I'm sooo happy that I saved so many lives from this quote, just to let you know, I LOVE YOU AND YOU ARE WONDERFUL:3 I'm sooo happy knowing I saved your lifee(:
@crazylifelover no problem(: I'm glad you liked it:D
@imperfect26 haha, I'm actually surprised so many people cried!
@cheergrl2 I love you, and I know your brothers do too. Screw the principal&teacher. They aren't good at their job. They don't matter. The bullies don't matter. YOUR BROTHERS matter. Imagine what they would do if you died, would you want them to go through that kind of pain and become upset? Stay strong.< 3
@Phoeberuns and @superfish12 thanks, and no problem. I feel so touched that you guys cried:')
@crazy_beautiful22 I'm soo sorry your friend did this to himself. I wish he knew what would happen once he left:/
@kisskisskissX Thanks! < 3
@completeinhim this would happen to you. It might not seem like nobody cares about you, but trust me, they do. And you are beautiful< 3 Stay strong.< 3
@frazergirl Thanks so much! It means alot:D
@Littlebowbeep10 Thanks! I'm sorry about you're friend. Maybe show this quote to her? It might change her mind about what she's doing. Good luck(:
@EatTheApplePie Thanks!
@maxiemax456 That's a lie. I love you. You're beautiful. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise(:
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bballgirly5001 · 1 decade ago
love it rach<3 its emma:) lovee
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maxiemax456 · 1 decade ago
no one secretly loves me, im a ugly who deserves to be kept hidden in a basement just like they tell me...
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EatTheApplePie · 1 decade ago
this is beautiful
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Littlebowbeep10 · 1 decade ago
I started crying while reading about this. I was thinking about a friend who cuts.
This is just beautiful
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chick_orange · 1 decade ago
This quote is so beautiful.. <3 made me tear up
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frazergirl · 1 decade ago
I. love. this. I'll try and spread the word :)♥
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completeinhim · 1 decade ago
But this isn't what would happen with me, so as beautiful as this is it isn' true for me.
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kisskisskissX · 1 decade ago
This is exactly true and should be a top quote to stop those people thinking about doing it, to stop! <3
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Crazy_Beautiful202 · 1 decade ago
I wish my friend saw this before He killed himself. /:

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superfish12 · 1 decade ago
Gaahh. Now I'm crying. This is beautiful.♥
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Phoeberuns · 1 decade ago
this is beautiful, it made me cry, thank you♥
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cheergrl2 · 1 decade ago
My principal and teacher should feel bad for not stopping them....they didnt even try after i told them, while i was in tears. I honestly have no friends. The only part that affected me was about my brothers. I love them more than anything and the sadest moment in my life was seeing the looks on their faces when the found out i cut. I never wanna cause them pain. I know im a mess up in my family's eyes, but not in my brothers, they know i try my best, i never wanna hurt them more than i already have. You have saved another life, and brought another to tears. :')
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imperfect26 · 1 decade ago
I would be surprised if someone read this and didn't cry..
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crazylifelover · 1 decade ago
this made me cry.....thanks for making<3
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MattyRoselain · 1 decade ago
I'm sitting here, crying.
You honestly just saved my life as well..
Thank you..
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rachel6931 · 1 decade ago
@hazzahamster I feel so touched:D
@acote27 thanks! So are you(:
@rissarox125 I'm really happy I touched you like that.< 3
@xoamberlovesyouxo I really hope I influenced you not to:3
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waitingforyourtouch · 1 decade ago
you saved my life
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xoamberlovesyouxo · 1 decade ago
i cried. this is kinda making me not want to do it. :C
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