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Hey people of Witty,
This message is for my best friend, Filomena(shortiee63)
In 7th grade we became friends, we would talk about anything and everything, this continued into 8th grade where we had science together. We would talk every day. I was stupid and dated a different girl. Things didnt work out so we broke up, and you were there for me, like always. That summer we hung out twice, I kissed you on the cheek and asked you to be my girlfriend. You said no but I didnt give up.  We became even closer over the next couple months and we would kiss eachother. I made a mistake over winter break and that hurt our relationship, but we didn't give up on us. We kept getting closer and you asked me to Turnabout, soon after I asked you to be my girlfriend again and you said yes:) We had the best spring break, we painted your room and hungout everyday, we worked on your biology project, we made that fun. Than things came to a halt when I lied. Big mistake. We broke up but we talked about it and I know it was horribly wrong of me to lie and never will again. We were sitting at the place where we had our first kiss, and you said there's this guy that you like that you want to date but you dont know if you should ask him out or if you should wait and I said the guy should always ask. You than ask well what are you waiting for? Than I asked you out and you said yes. That summer we would hangout every day and we would do everything together and ride our bikes everywhere. Everyday was a new adventure. We would fight though but we wouldnt give up, we knew we could make things work. The reasons we would fight were because of me, I would make many mistakes that I regret everyday. Summer ended and school started, we hung out every chance we got. Halloween came and we trick or treated in the whoopie chusion costums you bought. We were the coolest kids that night. After we went back to your house and cuddled:) Than I messed up the next morning. I didnt stand up for you like I should have, I regret that morning every second. We broke up and never got back together. Now I'm trying to fix our relationship, get us back to how we were. Make you happy and comfortable. I love you more than anything in this universe. You mean more to me than anything else. You are the most beautiful girl ever and I would never change a thing about you. I love you for who you are, honest, funny, an amazing friend, amazing person, caring, kind, and fun to be around.
I love you.

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Hey people of Witty, This message is for my best friend, Filomena(shortiee63)

4 faves · Mar 22, 2012 10:00pm






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