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So many options for suicide:

Poison, sleeping pills, hanging,
jumping from a building, lying on train tracks,
but we chose Marriage, slow sure !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!
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So many options for suicide: Poison, sleeping pills, hanging,

8 faves · 2 comments · Mar 22, 2012 6:12am






HappiiNess22 · 1 decade ago
Suicide is a terrible thing. Really please don't do it. Think about your family and friends who would miss you and everything. Your to much of a great person and beautiful to do that, please rethink this...I'm here if you want to talk(:
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aidenbowen · 1 decade ago
Drinking can kill you aswell and its slow, when ever I try it I tend to fall asleep though, but hopefully it will work for me one day
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