Witty Profiles

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A - Available? Nope.
B - Birthday? October 14th.
C - Crushing on? Michael.
D - Drink you last had? Water.
E - Easiest person to talk to? Tacarra.<3
F - Favorite song? Remind Me. <3
G - Gummy bears or gummy worms? Gummy worms.
H - Hometown? Kingston.
I - In love with? Michael. :*
J - Jealous of? no one.
K - Killed someone? In my head.
L - Longest car ride? Wisconsin.
M - Milkshake flavor? Chocolateee.
N - Number of siblings? twooo.
O - One wish? To be smarter. LOL.

P - Person you texted last? Ryan!
Q - Question you are always asked? "are you 14 or 15?"
R - Reason to smile? Michaellllll and Trex. <3
S - Scars? face, legs and knees.
T - Time you woke up? 7:10 AM.
U - Underwear color? white.
V - Violent moment you had? anytime with Tacarra, LOL.
W - Worst habit? i bite my nails and spit too much.
X - X-rays you had? both arms, both wrists, my back and both my ankles. OH and two fingers.
Y - Yoyos are? GAAYYY.
Z - Zodiac sign? Libraaaa.

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ABC QUIZ. (; A - Available? Nope. B - Birthday? October 14th.

0 faves · Mar 15, 2012 12:26pm




