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Life's Hard
Chapter 5

Ivy's P.O.V.
I woke extra early today because it is my first year at Williams Highschool.
I'm a Sophomore and I left my old school when I finished freshman year because our school shut down because of money and it was a REALLY old school.
I got out of bed and looked in the mirror.
I looked horrible.
My hair was all tangled up and my makeup was smeared everywhere.
Since I came back form work so late I didn't have time to wash up so i just slept.
Since I looked so ugly I decided to take a quick hot shower.
Then I changed into some reallydark grey skinny jeans, a dark blue shirt, and a black hoodie.
I wear my lucky ring and my favorite red vans.
I looked decent.
I didn't want to be so appealing so I wore dark colors so people won't notice me.
I was too shy for a person.
I took one last look in the mirror and headed down stairs.
I noticed that all the little kids were still asleep.
I walked up to Jason and stole his toast.
I smirked, bad choice.
Because just then Jason tackles me and we wrestle for the toast.
Jason won the wrestling match, so I just got some cereal.
I gave Jason a dirtly look and I told him I would challenge him soon.
Bcause of all our racket Olivia and Jackson woke up.
They started eating My bowl of cereal.
I just stood there upset.
"Fine!  I guess I'll just skip breakfast!"
But I wasn't that mad.
They both ran up to me and hugged me saying they were sorry.
I told them it'sokay and kissed both of them on their heads and left to school.

When I arrived I noticed that people were busy doing homework at the last minute, chatting, or flirting.
I was lonely because all my friends or the other students who went to my old school all went to West High.
Well..time to make some new friends I guess.
I looked around and no one seemed welcoming.
They were all too busy with their own lives.
I sighed.
Wishing that I could have gonne to West High.
I first went to the office, which I had a hard time finding.
When I went in there the principal, Mr. George, was too welcoming.
He kept chaking my hand for like 5 minutes.
Then when he let goed he said hi and told me all about the school, and trust me there were a lot to know.
He told me about the clubs, classes, and activities.
Alfter we talked for a while Mr. George gave me my schedule.
I had Science first!
That seemed fun!
When I walked into the halls everyone was talking.
But when I started looking around for my locker everyone kept staring at me.
I was like so nervous and scared.
They all looked at me like they were preditors that are in a desert and I'm a prey or something.
Some snickered, whistled, or gave dirty looks at me.
What did I do I thought.
When I found where my locker was I was happy.
But then I noticed that a bunch of athletes were blocking my locker.
I sighed.
Really I thought.
I tried to squeeze my way through them but I couldn't.
It was like a hippo trying to sueeze throw a hose IMPOSSIBLE!
So then I had to ask them to move and stuff.
I was all like,"Umm...excuse me!  Pardon me...oops sorry coming through."
When they all finally heard me they stopped talking and looked at me.
I bit my lower lip and asked them to please move because my locker was there.
Finally they moved aside for me.
When I got to my locker and started shoving my books in it I had a feeling they were still staring.
I prayed that they weren't.
When I turned around no luck!
They were ALL staring at me.
I smiled slightly and I noticed this one guy staring at me in the eye.
I noticed him right away.
It was Dylan Brooks!
He was my second best friend beside Brendan when we were younger.
I wasn't sure if he noticed me because all my friends thought I was a dude when we were younger and all my friends just called me Vega, they had no idea what my first name was.
I was a sporty girl back then so I hanged out with guys.
All my friends were guys back then No girls.
But I liked hanging with guys.
They are as much fun as girls.
Soon the beel rang for first period.
I quickly walked to my class because I didn't want to be late.
No such luck!
I got lost.
But it isn't my fault this school is huge!
So I came like 10 minuteds late to class.
When I went into the classroom.
Everyone stopped and stared at me, even the teacher.
I noticed some familiar faces, from back then.
Like Dylan's, Micheal's, Noel's, Cole's, and Randy's, and Brendan's.
Great I thought.
Allme kid friends are in my class..and they don't even no who the heck I am....maybe they will know when they hear my last name..I hope they would!


Yay!!! I figured out how to make then not so spaced Yay!!!!! I'm happy!! lol

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Life's Hard Chapter 5 Ivy's P.O.V. I woke extra early

1 faves · 3 comments · Mar 13, 2012 7:14pm






jade0121smile · 1 decade ago
Sorry! I was busy with school and I thought people didn't like it so yeah..but I will post it as soon as I can!
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sec365 · 1 decade ago
when is the next going to be up?
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jade0121smile · 1 decade ago
Did you guys not reLly enjoy this chapter? Sorry if it wasn't as interesting as the others! I'll try to make it more appealing
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