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Chapter 2

The sound of the school bell captured my attention. It was lunch time. I invited Caleb to come sit with me and my friends. It felt like we were meant to be. It was weird. I felt this so fast. It's weird. Before I know it, it's time to go home. Turns out Caleb walked almost the same way as me. We talked and walked, as I stared hopelessly into his pretty eyes. Once we reached his house we stopped and said goodbye to each other. I walked the rest of the day dreaming about him. I open the door and shout 'IM HOOME!' finding a note on the door. It read 'I'm not home, at the market grocery shopping <3 Mom'. I dropped my stuff on the floor and went upstairs to my room. I went on my laptop to see if he had facebook. Caleb Smith I said in my head repeatedly as I searched for his name upon the many people named Caleb Smith. Found him! I unanimously sent him a friend request and flopped into bed. I remember he gave me his number so we could text. I think I sorta have a crush on him. I flopped onto my belly and texted him a simple 'Heyy :)'. He replied very quickly. We talked endlessly, and even helped each other with homework. He was absolutely, positively perfect. I couldn't get him off my mind that night. We just met, and I'm crazy about him. I hope he feels the same way. I smiled as i fell asleep thinking of him. My eyes open slightly as I hear birds chirping outside my window in the morning daylight. It's Saturday. No school. I call Caleb first thing without even eating yet. We were like best friends that just met. Days and days passed and we talked, and became closer, and now it's Friday. I was at the mall with my friends when I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket. It was a text from Caleb. He asked me to be his girlfriend. I nearly fainted as my friends giggled and squealed at the text. I wasn't sure what to answer. We just met, but he's perfect. I don't even know him that well, But if I said yes, I could. I just wasn't sure.

(To all readers, thanks for reading! Her answer will be in the next chapter so stay tuned!)

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Pain Chapter 2 The sound of the school bell captured my attention.

3 faves · Mar 10, 2012 12:14am






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