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One Direction And Me
~4~ 2/2

    **This is dedicated to my best friend, Anne. I know youre reading this :)**

I put on my last heel, holding my clutch purse. I evened out a bit of my curls and hooked arms with Harry. "You look gorgeous tonight, June." he gave my neck a little kiss. We climbed the stairs down to the limo. The rest of the boys and Camellia followed in her slimming red ruffle dress, velvet red heels and a UK clutch purse. Harry held out his hand to grip mine, and then we were driving on Hollywood roads. "Who's party is this?" i asked them as I slowly put my head on Harry's shoulder. Zayn gave me a very assuring shrug. "Somebody just invited us and then we said, Okay sure." Niall said, taking out his phone. A mansion. A big one. I stopped in my tracks and almost fell on Harry. ''WHOAAAA!" i screamed. He covered my mouth. "Hush, let's go in." we got inside. Gossip gossip gossip. Talk talk talk. "ITS ONE DIRECTION!" i heard the DJ say noisily. "Let's puh-lay their ja-yaam!" he announced. Youre insecure. Donno what for. You turning heads when you walk through that do-o-or. I grabbed Harry's hand. Louis took out that stupid pigeon. Oh my god. "DUDE THIS IS A PARTY!" i yelled. "WHHAAAT?!" he called over the deafening speakers. Louis and Niall fooled around, dancing around the place like leprechauns. I laughed, kicked off my heels and joined too. This was an adult party, yet we were acting like 3 year olds.

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One Direction And Me ~4~ 2/2 **This is dedicated to my best friend,

7 faves · Mar 10, 2012 12:06am






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