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You have no idea what I have to go through.
There's 100x's more things wrong with me then what you know.
I guess I can't tell anyone anything anymore.
Sorry for trusting you.
Forcing me to date someone I don't like won't work.
No matter what I say you turn it around and use it against me.
You don't know I have depression and anxiety problems.
You don't know I come from a low income family .
You don't know the sh** I have to deal with at home.
But guess what?
If I don't do what you want me to you'll do your little manipulation game.
& cut everyone off from me.
It's not gonna happen.
I'm so tired of this.
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You have no idea what I have to go through. There's 100x's

0 faves · Mar 8, 2012 5:18pm




