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Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, I would like to present
just a few of my crew. There`s Hannah who is acute but always
real and there`s Flippy who always adds to the deal. There is <3
Sherry who is my one and only twin. No way to count how much
trouble Julie gets in.. Alex is always there & full of advice, mess `
with Tyo, you best think twice. Jes is real crazy & Josh is too '--»
To all of my friends, I love you ! </--- Lmao ... I thought it was cute

^-- Change all my friends names to yours !

Lines up in Arial, Size 8 --^

Enjoy <3

Note -» Nothing is original, someone got upset when I didn't clarify that before, but it says that in my profile & I've never claimed anything as mine.
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Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, I would like to present

1 faves · Oct 31, 2004 8:15am






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