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I don't know how to explain it. I feel, almost trapped inside witty now. Nobody uses it, it's grown old and overused. Nobody is that nice girl who wants to talk. Jayciecutie01 and xoalicecullenxo are gone. As much as you guys would hate to admit it, it's almost, comforting seeing their names up there on every quote. But it's not there anymore. Everyone's just focused on getting a top quote, and the minute they do, it doesn't feel real. I feel as if i slipped away from humanity, being on Witty. I feel like i'm trapped inside this bubble, and i can't get out. there's so many empty promises, broken words. So i actually think this might be my goodbye. My forever goodbye. I feel like Witty hit this, r o c k b o t t o m, and i'm just sinking. Witty doesn't have that flaire anymore. It doesnt feel like something new every time I log on. Maybe it's because of Jocked quotes? MAybe it's because of something else. But nothing here seems real anymore. I miss the old witty when everything was colorful, and pretty, and fun and novelty. This isn't what i signed up for. So goodbye, Witty <3 I'll miss you, xoxoxoxoxo,

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I don't know how to explain it. I feel, almost trapped inside

2 faves · Mar 7, 2012 5:31pm





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