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-Horseback Riding

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-Dance -Swimming -Horseback Riding -Cheerleading -Gymnastics

706 faves · 94 comments · Mar 6, 2012 4:44pm






Carissa* · 9 years ago
i meant riding not ricin
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Carissa* · 9 years ago
this is my opinion but i think horseback ricin is hardest then swimming then gymnastics then cheer then dance. dance and cheer are NOT sports in my opinion.
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TheatreGirl · 9 years ago
Gymnastics seems like it would be a very challanging sport.
Swim is deffidently a sport, one of the hardest in my opinion.
Horseback riding is defidently a sport. The ability to control a 2,000 pound animal is challenging.
When I think of dance, I think that it is a physical art. Not a sport, pleasr understand that this isnt me saying its not difficult. Dance is extremely physically demandinf but when I think of it I think of it as an art.
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KelizabethC · 1 decade ago
Dance isnt a sport, neither is cheerleading. Dance is a physical ART not a sport. Cheer isnt....heck ya gymnastics and swimming, and Horseback riding, your horse is doing the work.....please try running and basketball....now thats hardcore. ;)
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foxonfire99 · 1 decade ago
Your horse isn't doing all the work. Clearly you've on been on trail rides, when you're following a person. Please, do barrel racing, dressage, jumping, cross country, and polo [ and others of course ] and explain how that is easy. I've done both running and basketball, and I believe horseback riding is harder then them both.
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budcool · 1 decade ago
horse riding swimming cheering gymnastics is way more a sport than "foot ball" or "base ball" for riding u have to control a HUGE animal that could kill you at any moment it wants and trust the horse with ur LIFE! compared to "foot ball" where all u do is go around chasing a guy in tights with a ball! for swimming you have to learn to be more gracefull IN water than out and u have to never give up compared to "base ball" where you just hit a fuzzy ball with a stick! for Gymmnastics you have to learn to balance on little thin bars above the ground and be FEARLESS compared to socker where u wear knee socks and kick a ball around a field of sweaty people! For Cheering u have to have people BALINCING ON UR HEAD! copared to hockey where u just skate around a ice ring with long stick and a puck!
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CrazyGirlie · 1 decade ago
Dance is my life <3
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swimswim98 · 1 decade ago
people have told me swimming is a "hobby". I was ready to explode!! During varsity and USA swimming meets season, I swim maybe 2-2.5 hours a day and bust my butt in the pool. Swimmers, and all these athletes train so hard!! I have more muscle than most of the boys in my school! They say swimming is a wimpy sport. YOU try getting in a doing one of our workouts...........
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foxonfire99 · 1 decade ago
I understand, people have told me horseback riding is only a hobby. But, I strongly agree that swimming, dance, cheer leading and all that are sports, and I believe they are all harder than what everyone considers sports. [ baseball, football, etc ]
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0____0 · 1 decade ago
If they're in the olympics they are a sport. And are they? YES! :D
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Begack1234 · 1 decade ago
Also, did you ever notice that you "play" a GAME of baseball? You "play" a GAME of soccer or you "play" a GAME of football, but you don't PLAY a GAME of horseback riding?
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budcool · 1 decade ago
u have something even better than "playing" in horse riding you have HORSE SHOWS!
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Begack1234 · 1 decade ago
Okay, I know your not supposed to comment unless you disagree, but I have something to say.

Horseback riding IS a sport.
There are no breaks or timeouts.
No one sits out on the bench.
We don't postpone because of weather or cry about tiny injuries.
I can't talk to my teammate- we have to communicate without words.'
Maybe it's just me, but it sure is hard to...
swap leads
find the perfect distance
control an animal 10 times your size with a mind of it's own
gallop towards a jump on an unpredictable animal and jump it
If you still think it's not that hard...
I DARE you to get on my horse and do what I do.
We are dedicated and gutsy. When we fall, we don't "sit out on the bench". We brush ourselves off and get right back on and do it until it's right.
So before you judge it, try it.
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budcool · 1 decade ago
GO RIDERS! i have been riding since i was 3 and im 11 now! RIDING IS AN AMAZING SPORT!
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cheergirlxx418 · 1 decade ago
I've been a competiton cheerleader for 12 years....it is so a sport! we practice for hours without even taking a water break we run and condition just like any other sport. we hold ppl over our headss and flip ourselves. ive competed with dislocated hips and a dislocated knee. we push ourselves as hard as any other sport. dance gymnastics swimming and horse back riding are sports too... ive tried all of them and theyre not easy
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fattison · 1 decade ago
dance isnt.
cheer isnt.
some types of gymnastics is.
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budcool · 1 decade ago
RIDING IS A SPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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UniqueHermione · 1 decade ago
Dance is definetly a sport. Its harder than football or Soccer or Lacrosse or pretty much any other sport! Dancers defy the laws of physics, finish practise with bloody toes and blisters, practice 24/7, be stronger than a footy player. In dance, a single shift of your weight can mean a broken leg, ankle, arm, wrist, evn neck! People who dsay dance isn'yt a sport have obviously never tried balancing oin just their toes in hard shoes and then trying to move in them. Dance competitions are probably more competitive then any other comp. People try and sabotage each other and can make some very mean comments. Dancing takes years of dedication and pain! IT IS DEFINETLY A SPORT!!
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liv12345 · 1 decade ago
Cheer leading definitely not a sport!!!!!!
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soccer1998 · 1 decade ago
Okay, not to burst anyone's bubble, but it say's comment if NOT a sport. So why are people commenting Cheerleading is a sport, blah, blah, blah. Shut up, and actually read the quote next time... Just saying.
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natataya · 1 decade ago
i agree with imperfectedmuffin HORSE RIDING is a sport and everyone who thinks the horses make all the excercise ur wrong u know how hard is stayin on the horse without falling? and then ur legs hurts so bad! and controling a animal that is 3 times bigger and wieghts 5 times u is hard! believe me is a hard sport is one of the hardest i have being riding my whole f♦ life and i still fall of the horse believe me when i say it! HORSE RIDING IS A SPORT!!!!!
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budcool · 1 decade ago
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kattana12 · 1 decade ago
only if they go to competitions and stuff
otherwise i don't think so
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shootingstar87 · 1 decade ago
and 2halves1whole- every sport involves two teams. two gymnastics teams go up against each other, two riders are up against each other, in competition we are always against each other.
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shootingstar87 · 1 decade ago
x3sammii- no, there's no law that says whats a sport and whats not.

thank you too all of the girls defending their sport. and to everyone who's saying oh cheer/riding/dance/whatever isn't a sport, than seriously, you can fck off. you're just being plain rude. personally, i am an extremely competitive rider. riding is an ART. ever been to a show? and CHEER and GYMNASTICS and DANCE? how can you even think thats not a sport? girls push themselves in ways that actually defy the laws of physics. if you don't believe me, then i want you to google maddie gardner and watch a few clips. and SWIMMING??? that's completely a sport. all of these sports are just the same as soccer, lacrosse, softball, etc. you guys who say this or that isn't a sport are just so close-minded to your own little sport bubble. there are more people, and more sports, in the world than just yourself.
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budcool · 1 decade ago
go riders!!!!! RIDING IS AMAZING!!
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Alishamarie725 · 1 decade ago
All of these are sports... You just don't know until you tried cause, trust me, i have done/been doing all of these sports and they are equally challenging
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